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Donate to Ceta Canyon

fulfilling our mission

Your Support is Appreciated

Thank you for your prayers and gifts for Ceta Canyon Camp & Retreat Center.  Your support allows us to fulfill our mission to be ” A Special Place Where God Is Experienced And Lives Are Changed” -Mission Statement. Remember those special family members and friends with an honorarium or memorial gift. Also, consider a monthly donation through your bank to support the ministry of Ceta Canyon. Please remember us in your wills and beneficiary designation. We would be glad to visit with you, if you should need more information. Ceta Canyon is a 501(c)3, all donations are tax-deductible.

Consider a monthly donation through your bank’s online bill-pay.


Friends of Ceta

The mission of Ceta Canyon Camp & Retreat Center is to be “A Special Place Where God Is Experienced And Lives Are Changed.” -Mission Statement. On an annual basis, we have an opportunity to touch the lives of over 9000 guests! Now, more than ever, your prayers and Annual Support financial sponsorships are essential to the Ministry of Ceta Canyon. Your generous contributions allow us to put our Mission into Action, through a variety of Camp Ministry Programs.

  • Platinum Sponsor: $5,000+

  • Gold Sponsor: $2,500+

  • Silver Sponsor: $1,000+

  • Bronze Sponsor: $500+

  • Individual Sponsor: $250+

  • Seed Sponsor: $100+

  • Platinum Sponsor: $5,000+

  • Gold Sponsor: $2,500+

  • Silver Sponsor: $1,000+

  • Bronze Sponsor: $500+

  • Individual Sponsor: $250+

  • Seed Sponsor: $100+


Don’t Miss the First Day of Summer Camp!