Summer camp challenges you, inspires you, changes you, and grows you. All in the span of 10-12 weeks. Some days are busy; one minute you’re leading activities for a group of campers and the next, you’re working in the kitchen to help prepare meals for several hundred guests. But everyone who has worked at camp for a summer can usually agree on one thing: it’s rewarding. We at Ceta Canyon truly believe in the power of God and how He can change lives within just a summer. It’s why we do what we do. We want you to be a part of what God is doing this summer, so here are 10 reasons why you should join our team at Ceta Canyon:
1. You’ll get to interact with a variety of people.
From first-time campers to family reunions, the people who stay at Ceta Canyon are wonderful guests we get to serve, love, and minister to. Cade Barrick, a lifeguard for Ceta in 2019, says interacting with campers was his favorite part about the summer.
2. Your co-workers are pretty awesome.
Not only will you have a team of full-time staff praying for you and leading you in fellowship opportunities, your fellow seasonal staff can turn into lifelong friends. These people are the ones you will serve alongside each day. Community building is one of the things we’re most passionate about with our summer staff, and we can’t
wait to meet the people God brings to Ceta this summer!
“My favorite part of the summer was the friendship and community. We were able to come together and worship God.”
– Ruth McClain, Office Staff, Summer 2019
3. Your relationship with God will change – for the better.
Haley English, a Programs staff member in 2019, says the main reason she came to Ceta was to get closer to God. When you are leading activities for young campers and sharing the love of Jesus with them, it’s impossible not to see the Lord moving in both their lives and your own. Through your work, small groups, and fellowship, we truly believe God will work in your life this summer.
4. You will experience summer in the great outdoors.
Forget the beach – the canyon life is where it’s at. God has created beautiful scenery at Ceta, and there is plenty to admire. From unique rock formations to plants to our well-known waterfall, Ceta Canyon is truly “God’s Oasis in the Panhandle”. Come experience it for yourself this summer!
5. You have the opportunity to serve God in unique ways.
Searching for an opportunity to serve God was the exact reason Malachi Clark accepted a position as a Programs staff member with Ceta in 2019. Having a love for kids, he was able to serve in different capacities while being active and enjoying the time outdoors. Serving God and serving others by sharing the love of Christ with our campers and guests is what we’re all about.
6. You will gain new skills for your future.
Do you see yourself in lifelong ministry? Recreation? Food Service? Facility Maintenance? A summer at Ceta Canyon provides you with experience in these areas and much more. Not only do we have a variety of positions available, but the professional work environment is fantastic for resumes and career building.
“I’m a culinary major, and I wanted to learn how to balance serving God with my field.”
– Rebecca Boens, Lead Kitchen, Summer 2019
7. The benefits are pretty great, too.
In addition to the many other reasons to work at camp, we will provide you with free housing, meals, and a weekly salary as part of your compensation. Our staff work 5.5 days a week in the summer, and we will also provide you with training that can help you professionally.
8. You have opportunities to network with full-time staff.
If one summer at camp just isn’t enough, and you decide to make this profession your career, we have staff with years of experience in camp ministry. We would love to talk with you about your career goals and help your education in any way we can. We have an optional mentorship program offered to our staff that will pair you up with someone who is currently working in areas you may be interested in. This program is a great chance to ask questions, build your resume, and experience day-to-day life in full-time camp ministry.
9. You will get to unplug and enjoy being in God’s presence.
In the canyon, there is no cell phone signal. While that may be challenging for some people, we see it as an opportunity to connect with God like never before. Sit around a fire circle, open your Bible, and listen for the Lord. There is no social media platform, meme, or instagram-filtered photo that will give you what time alone with God will. Connect with Him through nature, and trust us, you won’t be disappointed.
10. It’s fun.
In addition to everything else we’ve mentioned, working at camp is about having fun. Nothing beats watching the sun rise over the canyon, having a full day of doing the Lord’s work, and ending the day spent around a campfire with some amazing people. We as a staff laugh together, work together, and grow together.
If you choose to work at Ceta Canyon, you are signing up for much more than just a summer job. You are committing yourself to a summer of exciting opportunities, spiritual growth, new friends, and lots of fun. Our mission statement speaks for itself. This is “A Special Place Where God is Experienced and Lives Are Changed” (Mission Statement). Will you consider being a part of what God is doing this summer at Ceta Canyon? Volunteer or work at Ceta Canyon today.